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.Monday, May 17, 2010 @ 8:47 AM

Hi people I noe is since damn long I ever blogged.
Im really sorry cos I think I cant continue with this posting with everydae life when the thing is that I dun even noe what going on in my life and I dunno what I can do to make me find my way out in this mess. Seriously there are many times I reallie feel that I cannot make it anymore. There are many times when I feel that Im too exhausted that I could hardly breathe. Well I reallie love my blog but right now let me take a break from here and focus just on studies(= Haha I might or might not even return to this blog. This blog had been with me since P6 and then Sec2 till now. Amazing? Not? Haha whatever. TO ME IT JUST IT!!!! Alright. I will keep those memorable memories and throw away those horrid one. And to all my friends out there,

Life is unpredictable. You dunno when one day someone you reallie need will just abandon you and turn their backs on you. You dunno when one day someone you like actually like your friend. You dunno when one day someone you actually enjoy the company of, left you. Is hard to accept but life is unpredictable. Which also means that you have to let go and accept new ones.

Toodles my friends.
Yours till the day of unpredictable life ends.

.Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 6:41 AM

ON 18 March had training in the morning as usual. Trained really hard!!! and Im really tired. After which, we went out fer bdiv outing except fer Jessica cos she had track camp...shld had pull her along:P Ate lunch at Astone(= had black pepper steak at medium but is like medium rare...well it still taste awesome(= haha the fries are great too so are their salads(= YUMMY after tt we walked around from the grand cathay to plaza sing to far east to ion and headed home...was really tired after lunch actuallie...my feet were killing me!!!! Hmm had tuition on tt evening and was like WTH ahha cos it was on organic chem...but still I somehow manage to get it...see Im so dumb:(

Well well as fer todae...didnt went fer trainin cos there isnt any...well fer bdiv though...went to catch movie with Sam on Alice in Wonderland!!! WOO HOO FINALLY!!! The show is like so nice(= and I totallie love the twins and mad hatter and the CAT!!! Is freakin cool!!! The twins are like freakin cute when they have their conversation and the way they fight fer the big day. I just love the way the cat appear and disappear and of cos tt SMILE of its...is super WIDE!!! OH wad I love abt the Mad Hatter is that is full of emotions...esp to the end where the part he will have to part with Alice. I dunno all of a sudden, at that particular moment...random thoughts of some flashbacks, some memories that I have actuallie came gushing within my brain haha...manns what has gotten into me?

Anyways after tt movie...me and Sam walked abt!!! and gosh things reallie change in AMK HUB...is like more WOAHS haah. Went to teach some guy at protor...OMG I have to admit tt he was kinda slow in understanding and reallie need the patience...but oh well I had fun:P It feels damn fun to teach ppl when I noe how to do:P haha probably tt why is not really tough fer me...haha maybe there is more surprises tt I never face before...had eng afterwards! Manns I have to say tt todae is really rush...after eng me and val had quite a long conversation till my parent came along...ruin the moment...I have actuallie quite abit of stuff to say but the moments are always interrupt or not the right timing...screwed it....well well(= I guess that abt it...ahha I post quite a long one todae....hmmm ahha time fer my confession of these few days:P

Hmmm I wonder wad does the word LOVE actuallie means...and how does it feel to be in love...haha Im not trying to be desperate here so dun misunderstand me...seriously how do u noe when u are in love? Peesh is such a complex thing seriously....I know tt I said tt love is an amazing thing...but then these are just some knowledge tt I know from songs...bks...and blah blah blah...I never get to experience one yet...so I guess Ive got to wait...hha meanwhile I shall focus on my studies and the up coming comp:P Toodles ppl (manns guess i just crap again...wth is wrong with me these fews days?)

.Tuesday, March 16, 2010 @ 6:34 AM


This is what I have found about capricorn: is kinda true but not cos I do listen to ppl prob but I dun reallie like to discuss stuffs unless is a serious need to:P

The first time you meet a person with Capricorn horoscope, they may appear aloof, but what they really are, is cautious.Capricorns interests are in art, theater, music, and in their own career. Usually they are drawn to people who are intellectually stimulating and they seek a partner who will fit into their realm of life. People with Capricorn horoscope prefer to discuss serious subjects, however, will always be there to listen to a problem.
Capricorns tend to be dominating and are not easy to win over. They also expect to be pursued and not be the pursuers. If you're going on a date with this zodiac, make sure you're prompt. If you say you'll be there at a certain time, be there. They are intolerant to people who say something and do something else.
People born with Capricorn Sign can come across as cool and reserved. As they take a common sense approach in almost everything they do, it will be included in their relationship. They want to be cherished, honored, loved and respected. In return, passion will run deep and you will have a loving lasting relationship.

WOah woah aahah I didnt noe this...but then again it might not be true afterall(= hhaha
Anways todae is reallie a tiring dae, trainin in the morning, sport leader thing in the early noon and tuition all the way till 7...on organic chem n did maths...woah I finally get organic chem haha probably I have always been lazy and listening to ipod! I shld stop listening eh...

I found this pic and thought is rather cool and will wanna try it one dae soon(= haha not now...not tmr...but onlie when Im free(= is cool cos is like a pic within a pic and is like alive(=

.Monday, March 15, 2010 @ 5:02 AM

Had chinese mock papers todae...paper 1 and paper 2. Is tough!!! I hate paper 2 cos the compre were like tricky and for paper 1 is lke tough to understand the questions:( Had trainin in the noon(= haha todae trainin is alright fer me...Ive did all 12 routines without fail...but onlie 6 are acceptable to me la...but seriously the rest were just RUBBISH!!! Manns!!! is my expectation too high? HIAZ heard of 'the higher your expectation...the greater the risk you will have' Is it ture? Hmm...my poor friend, Jean, hasnt been doing too good at times during training...manns how can I helped her? she has to know that she cant do it is because of her fear...she gotta she overcome it...and now when a junior had caught up with her (she is in track too!) she is super depressed!!! Manns Im such a lousy captain...cant even comfort my fellow teammates...urghs so frustrating...

I guess Im gonna stop here...gotta do lots of stuff...toodles people!(=

The only exception is that you are different from others. I have no idea but you just kinda draw attention to me. Damn...is your fault! The only exception of you from others is that you are different. When they smile, you frown. When they laugh, you stone. When they are crying due to joys, you are crying due to miseries. Why? Why do I have to notice this...? Why are you that exception???

.Saturday, March 13, 2010 @ 4:42 AM


Hmmm todae is like super tiring. I woke up late todae...suppose to wake up at 7 i woke up at 8.30 screwed...trainin suppose to be at 8.30-.- took taxi and rushed to school thanks god coach wasnt really there yet and beside we only began at nine(= As I said earlier on....I flew out of the tramp...haha is rather a cool experience though, just thank god tt I fall onto the mat not crash into the wall or onto the hard floor(= But then now my left neck hurts too...yesterdae was right...now left...wad the hell!!! both side hurts...and it hurts so much when I have to turn....

Wanted to do work todae but seems like I cant bring myself to do it...went out during late noon with sis to get her stuffs at anchor point and my stuffs at orchard central...sianxxxxx todae is the E-awards thing!!!! Wanted to go badly but decided not to after much consideration...hahaha

A dream is a succession of images, thoughts, sounds, or emotions which pass through our mind like a river flowing either fast or it could be slow. It can be really sweet like you had enjoyed your first kiss, or it could be bitter just like witnessing your close peers' death or mischap. It sometimes come real fast and memorising, but it can come through hardship and tortures. Perhaps, perhaps love could be a dream. Who knows? Dreams as well as love are unpredictable. No one knows when it comes and goes and come again...no one will (this is just my perceptions) Afterall, I just wanna wish you guys sweetdreams(=

.Thursday, March 11, 2010 @ 6:49 AM

IM so tired but I cant slp yet:( wad the...soon i guess...soon!!! Chem spa today wasnt so bad(= did pretty well...trainin wad alright too(= did much much better than yesterdae though(= haha but Im dead tired...after doing so much routines:P during tuition I was like having headache I guess...just feel tired...arghh troubled over chem test tmr!!!!!

Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over

.Wednesday, March 10, 2010 @ 6:21 AM

Alright...todae I just screwed fer elit...the question was on tolerance which was so unexpected:( screwed it...manns well todae wasnt so bad. Felt tired but didnt slp much except fer english after I finished my compre tests. Chem lessons was awesome todae(= haha had it in the library which had AIRCON(= hahah as usual training in the late noon. I have no idea why but I didnt do well todae:( My leg muscles doesnt seem to be working. Did so many routines but I onlie like 2 of it!!! WTH, even though the rest are considered a pass, but is definetly a NO GOOD!!! how can I compete with these routines:( I will be pulling the team down:( GOSH JOANNA U HAVE TO BUCK UP REAL FAST!!!!!

Tmr is the spa test, guess it would be alright if I didnt make any careless mistake! Woosh I hate elecrolysis seriously:( manns wad with this post todae? everything doesnt seem to be going the way I wanted...thank god is onlie about 1hours more before is 11MARCH...bear fer a while more and everything gonna be alright....(I HOPE SO)

Just read through some of those memories. Didnt know that those moments were childish but I definetly missed it. I missed those days when you are still approachable, when Im still able to communicate to you. Those words will be etched in my memory, but Im not sure if you remember. Those words are priceless to me for those words had impact me greatly. Well probably you have no idea who you are or probably you had forgotten about these little memories that were part of us...maybe...but I will always keep it. Keep it on behalf you. These memories may not be able to appear again so might as well let it settled down to the bottom of the heart....(WAD AM I WRITING ABT?)


14 JAN 1994




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